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Engineering → Software Engineering

Android Beginner Training

This is the course for the software engineers which are new in Android domain and want to learn the basic concepts of Android development.
  • Objective
  • Setup Environment & Introduction to Basic Concepts
  • Quiz 1
  • Switching Activities and passing data
  • Quiz 2
  • Android UI Development
  • Assignment 1
  • AppCompat and Fragments
  • Assignment 2
  • Assignment 3
  • Custom List Adapters, View Holder, List View, Recycler View, Grid View
  • Quiz 3
  • Assignment 4
  • Async Tasks, Threading
  • Quiz 4
  • SQLite Database
  • Quiz 5
  • Assignment 5
  • Revision History
  • Feedback form
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Objective, Setup Environment & Introduction to Basic Concepts, Quiz 1, Switching Activities and passing data, Quiz 2, Android UI Development, Assignment 1, AppCompat and Fragments, Assignment 2, Assignment 3, Custom List Adapters, View Holder, List View, Recycler View, Grid View, Quiz 3, Assignment 4, Async Tasks, Threading, Quiz 4, SQLite Database, Quiz 5, Assignment 5"