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Interaction- Why it's necessary (ADF-15)

[Running Duration: 15 minutes]
This course explains the thought process that went behind creating ADF Topic 15: INTERACTIONS, and how to get endorsed in it. This topic was especially added to the ADF framework for two reasons:

-> Engineers avoid interacting
-> Engineers need to interact

Keeping this in mind, it was important to add a module that required all aspiring architects to display a certain level of human-ness, or in other words, social skills (since we’re all social animals by nature – it’s just something we’ve forcefully shunned out to complete the geek façade). In this topic, after setting the baseline requirements, focus has been laid on making engineers step into the field to hold sessions and be in a leadership role at least once.

  • Rationale of 'Interactions' as an ADF Subtopic
  • Test 1
  • Unit 1: ADF Topics 15.1 and 15.2
  • Test 2
  • Unit 2: ADF Topic 15.3
  • Test 3
  • Unit 3: ADF Topic 15.4
  • Test 4
  • Unit 4: ADF Topics 15.5 and 15.6
  • Test 5
  • Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever